What are My Rights as an NHS Dental Patient?


When you visit an NHS dentist, you might wonder about your rights as a patient. Understanding these rights can help you feel more confident and ensure you get the best care. Here, we will explain your rights in simple terms.

Right to Access Dental Services

As an NHS dental patient, you have the right to access dental services. The NHS provides dental care to everyone. Whether you need a routine check-up or treatment for a dental problem, you can go to an NHS dentist. Remember, it’s essential to find an NHS dentist accepting new patients. If you’re struggling to find one, contact NHS England for help.

Right to Receive Information

You have the right to receive clear and accurate information about your dental care. Your dentist should explain your treatment options, what they involve, and how much they cost. They should also inform you about the risks and benefits of each option. This information helps you make informed decisions about your dental health.

Right to Consent

Before any treatment begins, your dentist must obtain your consent. This means you agree to the treatment after understanding what it involves. Your dentist should explain the treatment clearly and answer any questions you have. You can also choose to refuse treatment if you are not comfortable with it.

Right to Privacy

Your privacy is essential. You have the right to expect that your personal information will be kept confidential. Dentists must follow strict rules to protect your data. This includes details about your dental health and any treatments you receive. If you have concerns about your privacy, you can speak to your dentist or the dental practice manager.

Right to Complain

If you’re not happy with the service you receive, you have the right to complain. You can start by speaking to the dental practice. They should have a procedure for handling complaints. If you’re not satisfied with their response, you can take your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. Remember, making a complaint can help improve services for everyone.

Right to Emergency Care

In case of a dental emergency, you have the right to receive prompt care. This might be necessary if you have severe pain, swelling, or an injury to your teeth or mouth. Contact your NHS dentist as soon as possible, and they will advise you on what to do next. If your dentist is not available, you can contact NHS 111 for assistance.

Right to Respect

You have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. This means your dentist should listen to you, respect your opinions, and provide care in a kind and compassionate manner. Everyone deserves to feel comfortable and respected when they visit the dentist.

Right to Choose

You have the right to choose your NHS dentist. You can register with any NHS dentist accepting new patients. If you’re not happy with your current dentist, you can switch to another one. It’s important to feel comfortable with your dentist and trust them to care for your dental health.

Right to Safe and High-Quality Care

Your dentist must provide safe and high-quality care. This includes using proper hygiene practices to prevent infections. Dentists should follow guidelines and standards set by professional bodies. If you have any concerns about the quality of care, you can raise them with the dental practice or relevant authorities.

Right to a Written Treatment Plan

You have the right to a written treatment plan if you need dental treatment. This plan should outline the treatments you need and their costs. It helps you understand what to expect and plan accordingly. If your treatment plan changes, your dentist should update you and provide a new plan.

Right to Preventative Care

Preventative care is crucial for maintaining good dental health. You have the right to receive advice on how to prevent dental problems. This includes guidance on brushing, flossing, and diet. Regular check-ups are also part of preventative care, helping to catch issues early.

Right to Be Informed About Costs

You should know how much your dental care will cost before treatment starts. Your dentist should provide clear information about NHS charges. If you need to pay for treatment, you should receive a written estimate. Understanding costs beforehand helps you make informed decisions about your care.

Right to Register and Deregister

You can register with any NHS dentist accepting new patients. If you decide to change dentists, you have the right to deregister. There’s no need to stay with a dentist if you’re unhappy with the service. You can choose a new dentist who better meets your needs.


Understanding your rights as an NHS dental patient ensures you receive the best care. You have the right to access services, receive information, consent to treatment, and much more. Remember, these rights are in place to protect you and ensure you get the care you deserve. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to speak to your dentist.

Ready to Experience Exceptional Dental Care?

At Holburn Dental and Implant Centre, we prioritise your dental health and well-being. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing high-quality care while respecting your rights as an NHS dental patient. Whether you need a routine check-up or advanced dental treatment, we are here to help. Visit us today and experience the difference in dental care. Book your appointment now and take the first step towards a healthier, brighter smile!

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